One of our loyal customers has written about his journey to deal with dust mites and find relief from skin rashes and skin itchiness. We are so grateful for the time and effort it has taken him to write the account in such detail.
We are confident that this will be so helpful to many people who deal with similar dust mite allergy symptoms.
I Mite, Go Away!
This is my account of what I have done to deal with dust mites in my place. I am not a professional. This is an overview of what I am doing for me and what is working for me.
Due to this approach to reduce dust mites in my place, my itching has decreased by around 90%, sleep is sounder, patience extended, mood plateaux with less irritability, more energy, not so anxious paranoid or stressed and readjusted discipline.

Also, this sounds crazy, but yet again all this is - I found myself giggling for the first time since I can't remember when.
Research and understand the environment’s impacts on health
I knew about the health effects of visible pests like rats, cockroaches, flies, bed bugs, and mosquitoes, but I didn't realise that unseen elements could also affect the quality of life.
Dust mites may not impact your physical health as severely as rats, cockroaches, and mosquitoes do, but they can significantly affect your psychological well-being through the persistent discomfort of skin rashes and itchy skin.My symptoms of dust mite allergy
My main symptoms from dust mites:
- Skin rashes and itchy skin
- Wrestless, sleepless nights
- Irritability
- Increased anxiety
Response to discovery of dust mite colony
After discovering the dust mite colony, my response was methodical and thorough and required tons of patience:

- I cleaned and washed everything in hot soapy water that was not permanently fixed or attached.
- I vacuumed and shampooed carpets by rubbing and scrubbing them with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.
- I laundered all curtains and window dressings, and then disposed of them, opting for Venetian blinds which are easier to maintain and less likely to harbour dust mites.
- Ensured continuous air flow by keeping windows open, which helps reduce the mite population.
- I increased my personal hygiene regimen to double, triple, even quadruple the usual routine.
- Cleaned every surface, including ceilings, walls, and floors, using hot soapy water, undertaking this task with methodical precision and patience.
Prepare yourself for 3 - 6 months or more of constant attention and focus on treating the initial phase of combating dust mite colonies.
There are no shortcuts, you can’t call an exterminator because it wouldn't solve the problem since it involves both environmental and personal factors.

Ongoing management and mindset shift
One thing that is difficult is you have to completely change your mindset and attitude to the way you live and research, devise and introduce a completely new routine, including diet.
Sounds tough and it is - but a good takeaway for me is it has refreshed my personal discipline that fell by the wayside after some previous life interruptions.
For me, the cause of this problem was lack of attention and naiveness and ignorance of how to protect myself from the environment in a lodging situation.
I've always maintained cleanliness, but there are various approaches to cleaning and numerous methods involved.
The process doesn't end with just cleaning; it's important to know what steps follow because maintaining cleanliness is an ongoing effort.

How I cleaned to get rid of dust mites
- I improved the lighting in my home by installing LED lighting strips that remain on all the time.
- Upgraded portable air conditioner unit to a more powerful cooling system and dehumidifier. 18000Btu/h to reduce dust mites.
- Tip regarding humidity, sometimes when I have wet clothes drying in my room I use a portable heater to assist with evaporation. Even with the air conditioner on, just periodically.
- I mounted fly screens on the window frame and wipe them everyday with a damp cloth sprayed with eucalyptus oil solution.
- I clean the air conditioner filters with hot soapy water and wipe the unit with a damp cloth sprayed with eucalyptus oil solution everyday.
- Adopted a stringent cleaning routine that involves washing all cloths and cleaning tools in hot water
- I take my vacuum fully apart and wash it thoroughly with hot soapy water once a week and spritz it with eucalyptus oil solution after every use and sometimes between usage and dismantling and washing the vacuum cleaner weekly, and using a eucalyptus oil solution for its mite-repellent properties.
- I decluttered. What I didn't use on a daily basis was disposed of. Paper and cardboard. No clutter or excess of anything, including and especially clothes. All excess linen and bedding, towels, cloths. It was amazing, I could breath. So think, if I can breath better, they can't ! I then realised my room wasn't that small after all.
- Then I moved everything away from the walls - nothing against any wall anywhere.
- A pedestal fan at the end of my bed which oscillates while sleeping.
- I use a water-soluble eucalyptus oil solution spray on everything, including myself, to ensure thorough coverage. I repurposed a small bottle that once contained air freshener for this use, as it dispenses a fine mist which is ideal for even distribution. I make it a point to spritz my room with this spray at least twice a day, targeting all areas for maximum effectiveness.
- Carpet
- Bed
- Clothes drawers
- Back pack
- A few squirts with clothes washing and I use detergent to wash my clothes
Cleaning products I’ve used
- Detergent
- Sard power stain remover spray
- Water soluble eucalyptus oil in spray bottle, I use a small air freshener spritzer bottle - don't dilute, 4 bottles 500ml each Eucalyptus Solution
Hypoallergenic bedding
Now I feel is the most important, not that all of this isn't as equally important:
- Hypoallergenic mattress
- Hypoallergenic mattress topper
- Hypoallergenic mattress encasement
- Hypoallergenic sheets
- Hypoallergenic pillows
- Hypoallergenic pillow protectors
- Hypoallergenic quilt
- Hypoallergenic quilt protector
- Hypoallergenic quilt protector
I am not using any other coverings i.e. bedspreads, pillow cases.
Everything I purchase now I research hypoallergenic products for everything.
How to get rid of dust mites on skin
I wash myself with detergent and spray the lovely refreshing eucalyptus spray solution all over then let my skin breathe for a while before putting on clothes.
Some people are more tolerant than others that why some have eczema and other irritations and others don't, so what works for me personally may be of benefit to others or not.
- My personal hygiene practices are extensive, involving regular showers, complete hair removal, and multiple detailed cleanings throughout the day.
- I spray my feet regularly so it rubs thoroughly into the carpet and bed.
- I wash the clothes I wore that day, everyday.
- I clean my shoes after every use.
- I shave everyday
- I clipper my hair every couple of days - all hair off.
- I replaced all my clothing and bedding with hypoallergenic materials to minimise exposure to allergens.
My hygiene routine to deal with dust mite allergies
My morning personal hygiene routine to deal with dust mite allergies includes a thorough wash, followed by massaging eucalyptus spray into my skin and performing dental care like flossing and brushing.

The washing process involves multiple cycles of washing, rinsing, and using a loofah.
When I'm out, I wash my hands repeatedly, sometimes leaving the soap to dry on them without rinsing. I use an eye mask and earplugs to block out light and prevent dust mites.
Upon returning home, I immediately launder my clothes, shower, and spray both my room and myself with eucalyptus oil, then clean my shoes.
Additionally, I make sure to clean my sunglasses and the screens of my phone and tablet after every use.
What I wear to minimise dust mite exposure
I updated my wardrobe and footwear by replacing all my clothing and shoes with lightweight, hypoallergenic, and quick-drying materials, including underwear. Instead of donating the old items, I discarded them in the bin to prevent potential allergen transfer.

Foods I avoid with dust mite allergy
Mites thrive on stimulants they consume by eating skin. My diet now avoids stimulants like sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, which can exacerbate mite activity.
I have adjusted my diet accordingly.
NO sugar NO caffeine NO alcohol
The rest is a balanced diet.

Other things I have done
I purchased some clear gloss in pressure pack cans.
Sprayed all the skirting boards and where the carpet meets the wall. Sprayed all the carpet connections with clear gloss
Sprayed the clothes tall boy inside and out with clear gloss
Sprayed the window sills with clear gloss
Sprayed the entrance door inside and out with clear gloss - All to eliminate access and reflect light.
Focus on light and white colour scheme.
Psychological considerations and continuous improvement
During this process and procedure it could be quite easy to slip into a mind set of paranoia and anxiety. That is an undeniable aspect of this procedure, but break it down into tasks.
Despite feeling better, it's crucial to maintain vigilance and not become complacent, as the goal is to minimise the mite population continuously.

Final thoughts
Also keep in mind, you are working on the problem so it is not going to get worse, you will notice improvements in instalments and this is a critical time not to stop and become complacent just because you feel better.
Keep going.
The truth is, you can never get rid of the whole dust mite colony; they will always be with you.
Through this rigorous and disciplined approach, I've significantly improved my living conditions, turning my home into a healthier environment by effectively managing and reducing the dust mite population. This journey has not only addressed the immediate problem but also strengthened my overall approach to health and cleanliness.
In summary
I strive to make it uncomfortable for the mite colonies so they pack up and leave and go next door.
Eucalyptus oil is an excellent deterrent, they hate it. Give them nothing to eat.
Give them no place to live.